All applications have now been processed (sent before 03.8.13) Update on available spaces
It will take a little time to send emails with the information out but I have now done the work and will send this in the coming hours – it should be completed by the end of tomorrow (Monday 5 August)
Update on available Spaces
The only Groups were there are vacancies (after Application tom 03.8.13) are:
Monday 15.30
Tuesday 11.30, 12.00, 12.30, 13.00, 13.30
Tuesday 17.00 (This Groups is for children who CAN swim)
Tuesday 19.10 (This Group is for children who CAN already swim a little)
Tuesday 19.45 (No children have Applied for this group- could be a New beginners Group for children 2-4 klasse)
ALL classes on Thursday are FULL