Jula Fest No.1 December 5-9.. NB another fest week next week Des 12-16
As is the custom we have 2 weeks of Christmas parties in the pool (This is held over 2 weeks as I appreciate that life in December is very busy and I do not want anyone to miss out.) I will be giving out the end of term medals and have done some deco etc
Can I ask parents to assist me.
Mums and Dads assisting in the water can wear nisselue (Christmas hats) but its best that kids do not wear these in the pool.
Week 1 5-9 des
Please can parents of BOYS bring drinks eg saft/brus? and paper cups and parents of GIRLS bring snacks/fruit/godt?? something edible to share
Week 2 13-16 des
Please can parents of GIRLS bring drinks eg saft/brus? and paper cups and parents of BOYS bring snacks/fruit/godt?? something edible to share
Looking forward to seeing you and your kids next week
All eating and drinking MUST be done in the gang after the swim.
Mvh Steve