Green Light 9-13 Nov
I hope to see as many kiddies back this week- trust the Light festival was popular with the kids- if you missed it we will have more festivities in December with the Christmas parties
A note about the progress in the changingrooms.. the mens changingroom is very nearly completed / I have asked the building folk to check the new floor is non slip enough .. once this is OK then work will start in the Ladies. I feel it is right to offer up the Mens changingroom to the Ladies as it seems the right thing to do.. hope the Men will be in agreement that with the distance between he showers and the the dry area it would be appropriate to take this action. I am assured that the process for renovating the 2nd changing room will be much faster as there were delays due to some materials needing to be made and delivered in the first stage .. this hiccup should be behind us/ Thankyou for your patience regarding this human error.
Bets Mvh Steve