Swim Fees
Many are asking “how do I find the betalings info/ payment details??“
Please go to fees icon on the webpage bar and click on Autumn 2012.
(I have copied the info there below)
Fees – Autumn 2012
Term dates:
Swimming will start on 20 August, week 33 and run until the school Christmas. The final swim day will be Thursday 20th December 2012.
Please note: There is no swimming on the following dates:
- Week – Autumn holidays / Høst Ferie 8-12 Oktober / October
Payment of Course Fees
Price 3000 per child
Trondheim Dolphins Svømmeskole
Org.nr. 987 568 526
Bank account nr: 0536 43 33597
Course fees are due on acceptance of a place and must be paid before the start of the course. If a family has more than one child attending they can agree with Steve a suitable payment schedule.