Children learn best when they are having fun… this is why I encourage parents to get in to help me create a unique environment that is both varied and safe.
Baby swimming and preschool age.
At this age we really do need to have a 1:1 ratio both for safety`s sake but also so that the individual need of each child can be met.
Once children are starting to swim / older enough to learn as a group, it is possible to group them and have a lesson that is lead by Steve and supported by a number of parents. Depending on the age and ability this might from 3-5.
Below I will outline the number of parents Id like involved in the groups for older more experienced students. NB The times not mentioned are 1 child : 1 parent.
Monday 17.00 (3)
Tuesday 17.00 (4), 17.30 (3) 18.00 (2) 19.00 (3) 19.30 (1 !.)
Thursday 17.00 (1 parent per child then we reduce), 17.30 (2), 18.00 (3) 18.30 (3), 19.00 (3) 19.30 (1!)
All parents can play an encouraging role both in the pool and on the side. A smile, an offer to fix goggles , a reminder not to run, being an extra pair of eyes etc …. makes the swim hall a kinder place.