Latest on Havstein- News on Huseby
The latest on Havstein is that the schedule for the renovation is now clearer, I am told that the 1st week is the time to expect all to be finished (I will post the Norwegian letter later) so watch out for registration in the next month on line. I will ask folk to register when we know the days and times so that the process will be as smooth as possible.
Huseby Badet
I hope to have 2 new groups at 11.50 and 12.20 starting in the coming weeks, please fill in an application form if you are interested – these groups will be for new beginners 3-6 months old, and a group for older babies from 9 months and up.
Please drop me an email or fill in an application form if you are interested in hearing about options/ the group Id recommend for your little one.
It was great to start up daytime swimming last Thursday 8/sept 🙂
There were 3 groups- see below for availability
We have plenty of room in the 10.20 for the older kids (ca 18 months plus)
The new beginners group is nearly full at 10.50
The 9mth to 1 year group has a few spots left
BUT see above for the info about new classes starting soon or contact Steve if you have questions.
I also hope to have a second daytime option at Huseby- Please when you apply/email state the days you can if Thursday is difficult.